Michelangelo Research Paper

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Michelangelo Michelangelo was raised in Florence, Italy though he was born in Caprese, Tuscany. Being roughly a month old at the time of the move, he spent the vast majority of his life in Italy. His father went by the name of Lodovico di Buonarrotto, and his mother was Francessca Neri. He also had four other brothers, being the second eldest. His parents were incapable of caring for all of their children, and Michelangelo was therefore given to a stonecutter’s wife to be raised. Although his family was relatively poor, he was still given the privilege of attending school. His interest in the arts caused tension between him and his father, as his father had planned for Michelangelo to be a government or military figure. After several …show more content…

Some of his first sculptures were the Battle of the Centaurs, and Madonna of the Stairs. It was immediately evident that Michelangelo had an immense talent for sculpting, and his second teacher, Giovanni de Bertoldo, took an immense amount of time sharing his knowledge. Giovanni de Bertoldo helped Michelangelo develope his already emerging skills, and helped ignite the flame to the rest of Michelangelo’s career. Michelangelo made the decision to move to Rome at the age of twenty one. Soon after arriving, he was hired to make a sculpture of a Roman god. Excited by the opportunity he was given, he chose to sculpt Bacchus, who is the Roman god of wine. After spending a year working on one of his first projects, the original customer unhappy with the result, and refused to pay Michelangelo. A Roman banker ended up purchasing this piece, and it later ended up helping him in becoming more well known. Shortly after that incident, Michelangelo was hired once again. This time he was hired by a French Cardinal by the name of Jean Villiers de Fezencac. They wanted a sculpture of Virgin Mary and Jesus, that would need to be completed within a year. He finished this project successfully, and the Cardinal was impressed by what he had done. The sculpture goes by the name of “Pieta” and features the Virgin Mary with the body of Jesus laying across her