Microgreens Research Paper

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What 's the deal with microgreens?
By Gretchen Hopkins

My neighbor, who is the most enthusiastic, ridiculously productive Martha Stewart I know (and also a great person! Hi, Serina!), recently asked me if I wanted to grow microgreens with her. "You just grow the sprouts of any greens, and eat them when they 're still tiny," she said. "Like an itty bitty salad, but even better for you!"

I cultivate a kitchen garden and also have indoor plants, so I can see why she thought I’d like microgreens. They 're easy to grow, crops are ready within just a couple of weeks, and they 're tasty as well as trendy and fancy. (“Marvelous sprouts," I imagine my dinner guest cooing at the puff of green atop her entree, to which I reply nonchalantly, "Oh, the …show more content…

According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the answer is yes. They really are that much better. Researchers found in studying the nutrient content of 25 different microgreens that the baby plants were anywhere from four to 40 times more nutritious than mature specimens, with increased levels of vitamins E, C, K, lutein and beta-carotene. Red cabbage microgreens contained 40 times more vitamin E and six times more vitamin C, for example.

Of course, that powerhouse punch still comes in a tiny package, so unless you 're willing to devote your entire dining room table to planting trays, you 're probably not going to be making a whole meal out of micros. But at least you can rest easy knowing the gastronomical cuteness on top of your salad is doing you some good.

Other advantages of microgreens:
- They can be grown indoors in any climate, any time of year
- They are safer than sprouts, which when bought commercially can harbor dangerous bacteria like salmonella and e. coli
- Crops can be grown continually and are ready within just 14-17 days
- Homegrown microgreens are cheap, tender and delicious

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