Middle School Persuasive Speech

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It seems as though elementary school is fairly smooth sailing. Sure, there will be bumps in the road but for the most part, kids are fairly drama free. Once they get into middle school, things begin to change. Suddenly this person hates this one. So and so keeps picking on such and such. Personalities begin to develop and then clash. Kids who have been friends their entire lives end up not speaking to each other. I don’t know about you, but as a single mom, I am left feeling as though I am always out of the loop. I never know who is talking to who or what is going on in my kids' school life anymore.

We don’t really have any control over how other kids treat our own, no matter how much we may wish we did. Thankfully, we can help our children go through these tough times and help them find their way through some pretty …show more content…

Compassion and understanding are the hallmarks of kindness. Keeping others feelings in mind and treating others how you would like to be treated is what will make this world a better place. Far too often judgment is passed without ever considering there may be more than one side to the story. By teaching our children to take a step back and look at the situation from every angle we show them that the world is made up of many different personalities who all respond differently.

It's a tough lesson to learn initially, but kids are so much smarter than we give them credit for some days. They can be extremely resilient and understanding when we model the behavior ourselves. Our children are often a mirror of our own behaviors that we may not realize we are doing. If you notice your child being mean to others or passing judgment on others they don't know, think about how you speak around them. Do you do the same thing unintentionally? You may think what you are doing is completely different, but our children don't see it that way. Their classmates are their

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