Middle School Persuasive Speech

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There is a desire that burns in every human, a flaming will to go beyond into the unknown, to reach new hieghts, and brave terrible lows. Death, is one of the greatest unknowns that faces us. An emptiness, a border, a test to the respects of the human race that we may defeat our most unfatiguable enemy. That we may live forever. Yet, while we still ponder on the depth of the deep end of life's pool, there are those who have immortalized themselves, those who have become the torches that keep our desire for more alight. They may be six feet under the ground but they are alive. They walk the shadows in the memories of those whose lives they touched, in the dusty paragraphs of tomes that tell of what they did. The dusty tomes that could one day, tell of what you and I did. Such is the task that stands to challenge oneself, and every human, to become more than flesh that dies. To live life as a spark, and light up the souls of every loved one we touch, every friend we bond with, every stranger we show kindness toward, and when the time comes that our individual spark is washed away by the unknown, to leave behind a fire.

Surely such grave things about oblivion, emptiness, death and fire cannot apply to middle school, some may propose. I must disagree however. Middle school is fork in the road that …show more content…

That is what I wish to be remembered as. To be able to show the way for those that will come after. Not only to walk on any old path, but to blaze a new trail. I may have won Spelling Bee's, piano competitions, but that is not what I want to be my greatest accomplishments. I do not want to leave behind merely a room of trophies and ribbons. The token of success that I want is not a thing that can be held, it is not tangible, but it is more malleable than molten metal. The greatest trophy I would want to leave behind, is a better

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