Middle School Student Observation

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Theorists, Freud and Piaget saw middle childhood development as a time when children grow rapidly from their preschool years to acquiring dramatic changes that leads towards their adolescent years. Erikson, another theorist, saw middle childhood as a time children moves from a home environment to a school setting that robustly influence their development. This is the time when children learn to cooperate with other adults and peers and when they are less egocentric. Erikson staged middle childhood development between the ages 7- 11 years old and others claim this stage between the ages of 6-12. These are the times when children experiences success or frustration and acceptance or rejection. Moreover, children begin to play an active role in society; joining and partaking in clubs, etc. Additionally, their cognitive development advances from preoperational to concrete operational. In addition, middle childhood children gross motor skills and fine motor decreases from preschool ways and increases to adult ways. Furthermore, their knowledge of and use of language and vocabulary increases as well. The focus of this paper is to give a detail account of a student observation done at the upper primary level. The purpose of this activity is to observe a student in third, fourth, fifth or sixth grade and …show more content…

He is eight years old. David attends Eva Hilton Primary School and is in the fourth grade. The name of his teacher is Ms. Jenell Nairn. David sits at a table, in a group of seven students. His group is located near the door. David is a short boy about as tall as my waist and has a brown complexion. His hair is properly groomed. He wears a black school shoes, white partially- ironed uniform shirt and navy blue long pants. On his shirt pocket, the school crest is neatly stitched and he is wearing a navy blue necktie. Lastly, his shoes are nicely polished and shoelaces are neatly