Grocery Store: Case Study

891 Words4 Pages

Thuy Nim
Bus 564

Mini- Assignment 1
Follow someone in a supermarket or shopping warehouse.
1) Name of supermarket and location
Hmart Supermarket
Located at 1101 W. Huntington Dr.,
Arcadia, CA 91754

2) How did you choose the person to follow? (1st person enter through the door; roommate; friend; 1st female/male; etc.)
As usual, my family normally does home grocery shopping on weekend. So, while we were shopping at Hmart last Saturday, I took advantage of this chance and decided to follow my sister for this mini-assignment. The reason why I preferred to follow her was my sister was a person who loved going to the grocery stores. Besides that, I usually went grocery shopping with her; hence, it was easy for me to follow and observe …show more content…

Afterward, she went straight to the fruit section. One thing I realized from my own experience that when we shopped with a cart, we tend to buy more items than with a basket. Therefore, this behavior did not very surprise me. If my sister had a basket, she would feel uncomfortable to carry it around the store with her hands. Moreover, being a female, she would not be able to carry big or heavy items. With a cart, she would feel more ease to shop everything she wanted, or even made her want to buy things that were not very necessary such as potato chips, sweet treats, makeup goods, …show more content…

She bought 14 items in total. She did not seem to be aware of other shoppers or sales assistants. She seemed to focus on looking for the great deals on the items that she wanted to purchase. She did use her smartphone during the shopping trip. From many previous shopping trips with her, I knew she often used her phone to compare prices of Hmart goods with other Asian supermarkets. Whenever she found another place offered more competitive prices, she decided not to acquire that particular item at Hmart.

8) How long, overall is the shopping trip?
The shopping trip was approximately 40 minutes from the time she entered the store until the time she completed making a payment.

9) Did you notice anything interesting about the shopper’s behavior?
I realized that when she found a good deal of a specific item, she definitely became more excited and the quantity of that item could be increased. For example, if she found that her favorite Honey Butter Potato Chips were a 30% cheaper than at Shun Fat supermarket, she would get more potato