Mini Habits: Cultivation Of The Nursing Profession

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In order to provide patient-centered, holistic care it is very important to be a healthy individual to start with. I chose the book Mini Habits: Smaller habits, bigger results to assist in the cultivation of my nursing profession. I will explain why I chose this particular book as well as discuss two topic of interest from the book. I will also explain how this book will affect my professional behavior and how it will influence my personal life choices in order to be healthy and ready to provide patient care to individuals.
Book Selection
I have a very busy schedule and work many long shifts as a nurse as well as complete course work for my degree. However, I do feel it is very important to lead a healthy life-style as a nurse and the title …show more content…

Two Topics of Interest
The first topic discussed in the book that greatly impacted me was the size of goals. The author did a wonderful job highlighting the reason so many people fall short of their goals. When you set a goal, you are envisioning the future but you are not always necessarily envisioning the amount of sacrifice and work that it will take to get there. In turn, as the journey towards that goal begins, it is often much harder than you anticipated. Because of this, the author explains many people do not reach their goals and feel like a failure. By setting goals that are much smaller to begin with, individuals can attain those and gain confidence and be encouraged to continue setting goals. This was a brilliant concept. I have found myself very discouraged after
SMALL CHANGES BIG IMPACT falling short of a goal but may have not had the same experience if I would have set smaller
“mini”goals along the way. I could see where this would be extremely impactful for our nursing journey. For example, if we are discharging a newly diagnosed diabetic patient and give them a goal of having an A1c under 8 by the time they are seen at their follow-up visit they may or …show more content…

By shorting a small goal that can be attained they will not get discouraged and will likely have better compliance to the bigger goal of lowering A1c levels on down the road. This is a wonderful tool and it will prove very helpful in my nursing career.
The second piece of information that I felt was very impactful was the explanation of will power vs motivation. Most people set goals and then have no motivation to complete the steps towards that goal. The author explained that most of the time in the beginning of his exercise journey he also experienced a lack of motivation. However, this is much different than will power. Will power is completing the task in the absence of motivation. Also, he further highlighted that motivation is not a pre-requisite for reaching a goal. Many individuals will not take the steps towards their goal and cite lack of motivation as the problem. However, the problem is lack of will power to soldier through despite not initially feeling motivated. This is a concept that will be very helpful for me to relay to the individuals that I am caring for.
In a recent study of asthmatic patients, research found that individuals who were