Panic Disorder Case Studies

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Discussion: Panic disorder is characterized by spontaneous and unexpected occurrence of panic attacks, which, its frequency varying from several attacks in a day to only a few attacks in a year. Panic attack is an acute attack of anxiety with feelings of impending doom (1), which the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5)(2) describes as a discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within minutes. The 12-month prevalence of panic disorder is about 2-3% in several countries in Europe and United States for adolescent and adult. For Asian, lower estimates were reported, ranging from 0.1%-0.8%. Gender wise, female to male ratio is approximately 2:1. Female gender affected more frequently and it is already observable before the age of 14years old. The prevalence rate of panic disorder is low at the age before 14 years old(<0.4%). It gradually increases during adolescence and reaches its peak during adulthood, particularly in female. It declines during elderly (0.7% for age >64years old). (2) The mean age of onset in United States is approximately 20-24 years old. However, small number of …show more content…

She had a tremendous stress in term of financial burden and the role transition to a single mother. Scocco et al. (2007) examined life events of 55 subjects who are suffering from panic disorder, found out that 92.7% had experienced a role transition, 85.5% had interpersonal deficit (e.g. no or inadequate relationship) and 74.5% had interpersonal dispute with parents or a partner. Roy-Byrne et al.(1986) points out that there were significantly more life events in panic disorder patient one year prior to onset. These life events have more adverse impact over them. One of the life events includes moves out to other cities or