Module 3: Discussion Question And Response Essay

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Module 3: Discussion Question & Response I

1) do you think that prejudice is a learned behavior? If so, who teaches it and in what ways is it taught?

I do think that prejudice is a leaned behavior. You aren’t born automatically hating other people, but over time you can develop a bigoted attitude for whatever reason. It doesn’t have to be taught, one small idea can grow into something nasty if unchecked. Prejudice can be taught in a number of ways; it can be learned from the people you associated with most often, as well from the media.

2) do you think it is important for teachers to discuss with their students, the issues of prejudice, discrimination and racism? If so, why? If not, why not? Give some specific examples

I think it is important for teachers to discuss with their students the issues of prejudice, discrimination, and racism. For one, it will ensure that kids are less ignorant to the issues that plague the world. Another reason to teach of these topics would be to make kids understand that it doesn’t have to exist, and this world can be a better place if we want it to be. And third it will make kids more resistant to discrimination in the future. To learn of these topics teachers need go no further than the history books, to learn about the civil rights movements. And really, you could go back to any point in human history and learn of discrimination which includes things like the feudal system, caste system, and countless cases of slavery of humans in general. …show more content…

Give at least one to two suggestions how teachers can reduce prejudice and what do you think should be done to encourage appreciation of others as individuals, without prejudice or race, religion or