Monogamy Vs Polygamy In Canada

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On the other end, when looking at the practice of monogamous marriage versus polygamous marriages we begin to run a very fine line. It cannot be forgotten that Canada has a prevalent history of colonization and Canadian laws were formed on this basis. In the discourse, monogamous marriage is often cited as being essential to Canadian national identity and that to threaten this institution would be to threaten Canadian social cohesion and values (Benedet, 2013; Wray, Reimer, & Cameron, 2015). Despite the movement towards having more secular laws, it needs to be taken with caution that the laws and legislation in Canada are not assimilating other religions in to western or Christian ideologies which are prevalent in Canada. On that note, it is important to recognize, as Gaucher (2016) speaks to, that monogamous marriage in Canada has not been without its own pitfalls. Despite trends moving towards equality between men and women, monogamous marriage does not equate to equality. Many of the harms related to polygamy can and do occur in monogamous …show more content…

The difference here is that monogamy has been designed to meet the demands of secular societies and that at the end of the day, approximately half of the world’s and Canada’s population is female and half is male, therefore today it is logical to say that monogamy is simply more practical than polygamy (Buck Jr.,