Morphemes In Libyan Arabic Dialect

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Morphemes In Libyan Arabic Dialect
Chapter One:-
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Libyan Arabic Dialect
1.2.1 The Different Dialects in Libya
1.2.2 History of Libyan Dialect
1.2.3 Grammar of Libyan Dialect
1.3 Derivation
1.3.1 Definitions of Derivation
1.3.2 Types of Derivation
1.4 Inflection
1.4.1 Definitions of Inflection
1.4.2 Types of Inflection
1.5 Different between Derivation &Inflection
Chapter Two:-
2 Derivation Morphemes in Libyan Arabic Dialect
Chapter Three:-
3 Inflection Morphemes in Libyan Arabic Dialect
Chapter Four:-
4 Conclusion
1.1 Introduction
(1)Language is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives. We use language to inform the people around us of what we feel, what …show more content…

b) The migration of Arabs from Muslim Spain to North Africa following the Reconquista.
Libyan Arabic has also influenced by Italian, and to a lesser extent by Turkish. ABarber substratum also exists.
Through this history, we realize that much of this dialect was made by the tribes that settled in Libya. And a very small presence of the Italian language, and a semi-existence of the Turkish language; we see them only in the names of places, like: (Gardenna means garden) it 's an Italian word, also in auto parts, such as (Frino means brakes) which is an Italian word, and household tools (such as:Kashik means spoon) it is a Turkish word.
1.2.3 Grammar of Libyan Dialect
The grammar in this dialect, like other colloquial Arabic dialects, Libyan does not mark grammatical cases by declension. However, it has a rich verbal conjugation structure.
Nouns in Libyan Arabic are marked for two gender (masculine and feminine) and three numbers (singular, dual and plural).
Verbs in it, Similar to Classical Arabic stem formation is an important morphological aspect of Libyan Arabic. However, stems III and Xare unproductive whereas stems IV and IXdo not exist. Conjugation like Classical Arabic

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