Most Important Historical Events: The Great French Revolution

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Historians generally view the French Revolution which lasted from 1789 until 1799, as one of the most critical events in mankind's history, because it deeply changed the course of the modern world history. Considering the significance of it, in order to understand and analyze the historical issue, we mainly refer to this revolution as certain incidents led to it and created a chain process. In the research paper, I will try to look through one of the most important historical event- The Great French Revolution, and to find a constructive answer to the question that what was the root, cause of this revolution, how this historical event created enormous impact and started to shape the European politics.

Body/ Causes
Though, a number …show more content…

Even some historians argue that, in the absence of the economic failure, the French Revolution would not happen. Although France was one of the strongest states in Europe, it had an immense economic crisis. After the death of French king- Louis XIV in 1715, the state was in the trap of massive debts. Additionally, next kings- Louis XV and Louis XVI not only had to try to fix economic problems, but also fight to keep the control of the massive lands that France owned. So, each war was making French economy weaker in the 18th century and economic crisis was getting deeper. In fact, French government was spending more money than the collected taxes, therefore, its national debt was increasing. Till the French Revolution, France was at war over fifty years in last a hundred years. On the other hand, France spent so much money for supporting American War of the Independence, in order to weaken its main rival- Great Britain (Sargent, 1995). In addition, France spent so much money on building palaces such as Versailles Palace. While the national debt was increasing, instead of announcing bankruptcy, the government increased taxes to pay the debts, because bankruptcy would decrease the confidence of investors about France (Sargent, 1995). However, it was forgotten that already, taxation system was in an awful condition (all tax burdens belonged to the third estate). As a result of the wrong state reforms, it led to worsening the third estate's life condition. Though French King- Louis XVI tried to make new reforms related to taxation, the nobles and the clergy opposed. So, all these historical facts accelerated the arrival of the Great

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