Movie Inappropriate For Children

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Even though some movies are R-rated, people still sneak into the movie theatres. This begs the question, is the movie rating system outdated? The movie rating system was set in place so that people would know if the movie was “inappropriate” for children or not, though with the introduction of the internet most kids are already exposed to “inappropriate” things, like murders and sexual content, and standards have been lowered on what “inappropriate” is considered. The movie rating system should be updated and at least allow kids 15 or older into R-rated movies.
These days, children have full access to the internet and are exposed to many things considered “inappropriate”. With children being this exposed there is no longer that many awkward moments when the child stumbles upon something “inappropriate”, like an R-rated movie, so the age group of the rating should be a little more lenient. With all this technology children are also able to pirate R-rated movies so there is no point in trying to keep them out of theatres with the same movie. Even if the movie is R-rated in the theater, children sneak in anyway and nobody does anything about it. Mostly everyone in the theater wouldn’t care if the child snuck in anyway. …show more content…

When making the age restrictions so high the movie gets less customers, so lowering the age restrictions would be great for both the theater and movie. This would also put less hassle unto people working in the movie theater, since they wouldn’t have to be so strict when checking if the person is within the right agee to watch the movie. Also with age restrictions being lowered, more parents would allow their kids to go watch the movie. Parents these days give R-rated movies a negative connotation, decreasing the amount of sales for that movie, so if that is changed R-rated movies will no longer be unseeable in the eyes of some