
Mr. Robinson's Significant Limitations In Everyday Life

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Activities Daily living
Robinson has significant limitations in activities of daily living. His appearance is often neglected. He often wears unwashed clothing and appears to be untidy. He barely sleeps at night because, he says,” he has bad dreams and thoughts of someone him again one because of being shot in the back, the three car accidents and family issues,” he has no family support. Ms. Lewis the case manager states “he walks very slowly and has difficulties remembering appointments with case management, physician and psychologist”. He states, “The psychologist makes him agitated when discussing his alcoholism, physical condition and try’s to discuss issues he had with parents and siblings. Ms. Strickland, case management at Team Wellness on Russel St Detroit, Michigan believes when he gets tired of drinking he will admit himself into a Detox facility for assistance in becoming sober.
Case management Ms. Lewis, observed Mr. Robinson will socialize with the staff and other clients; however, he would …show more content…

He is unable to support himself and his family appears to be absent. The current diagnosed of Mr. Robinson is major depression disordered, single episodes of anxiety, severe psychotic episode features-seizures. He always appears to be unhappy, under a lot of pressure and his speech is slow when he contacts or visits with CCSS SOAR Representative Anya Lewis. His mobility is controlled and he continually pushes his wheel chair. His has severe back, legs, right knee, angle and foot illness causing pain and without his medication and can result in a seizure. He has historian of depression However, case management Ms. Lewis at CCSS/ SOAR -Representative believes if he had an income he could have a better quality of life in his own home feeling safe and self-sufficient, emotionally stable and a state of

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