My Educational Goal To Improve The Black Community

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My educational goal is to use what I learn to better the Black Community, which I am a part of. Knowledge of self is truly powerful. I think it’s very important, to use knowledge to better those not college educated/disenfranchised by White Supremacy. I am not insinuating that going to college is what all people need to do to make it, nor can everyone afford a college education but the middle ground and goal is unity. Being educated is various forms is welcomed. Working together with community leaders and people without any formal leadership position/title to progress as a people is the goal. Also being aware of the danger that follows when one mentions wanting to help/being an outsider coming into a low income community preaching as if you personally know best because of going to college, versus actually being a member of such community …show more content…

Looking back into 2014, it’s interesting to mention my surprise of even getting into Temple. At the end of my junior year in high school, I was one of those teens saying I was not going to college etc. But in 12th grade I literally did everything, student government activities, 12th grade school work and studied for the SAT's in order to possibly go to college. I figured it wouldn't hurt if I attempted to go, while I have time versus going when I am in my 40's. Again there is nothing wrong with going to college at any age, but I am referring to a time when some young people don't have too many personal responsibilities as in looking after people/having children. This time has allowed me to experience living a college lifestyle. After receiving my acceptance letter, I also had to complete Temple's summer bridge program which was cut last year. Stemming