
My Ethical Philosophy Statement

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I was launched into the next big challenge after graduating college. The next 3 years were another struggle of a different kind. I was learning more of who I was as an adult in the real world. I began to deal with cultural diversity and ethical issues in my chosen profession as a registered nurse. Because ethics is present in all aspects of healthcare, I had to know that the basis of my intentions and actions were enacted from a professional mindset and not my own personal ethics. This was accomplished by learning and understanding theories of ethics in healthcare. “In brief, deontology is patient centered, whereas utilitarianism is society-centered. Although these approaches contradict each other, each of them has their own substantiating advantages and disadvantages in medical practice” (Mandal, Ponnambath, & Parija, 2016, p. 5). …show more content…

My purpose is exhibited through actual demonstration of my ethical principles in a sustainable manner. I have matured to the point that when I have to make an ethical decision, I have to think and plan through the process and decide what my course of action is to be. However, during this time of my life, it is easier to make a decision when my emotions are negatively impacted and I tend to waste less time making major decisions. I am finally becoming the person who is feeling the results of a successful career and education. I have children who have good work ethics, morals, and are becoming productive young men and women who can give back to the world because of the beliefs I have instilled in them. Maintaining my commitment to them is the reward for my hard work. “Justice will influence the component of the ethical decision-making process mainly related with human will: moral motivations and moral character” (Melé, & Sánchez-Runde, 2013, p.

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