Essay On I Want To Be A Social Worker

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I had not heard of social work until my first year of college. I started out as a chemistry major with hopes of doing forensic science. I soon discovered that chemistry was not for me so I began to look for a new major that my school offered. I just happened to stumble upon Social Work.
The more I learned about social work, the more I fell in love with this profession. I fell in love with this profession because I love helping people and spreading affection to people. When I tell people that know me that I am studying to be a social worker, their response is usually something like that I will be a good social worker and that they could see me being a social worker.
During one of the social work classes my teacher asked us, what makes us come …show more content…

Most of the course that I didn’t great in were course that were not in my major but that I took to get credits. I opted not to take suepr easy classes because I like learning new things and to challenge myself. Those tough classes with not great grades are what dragged my cummalitive GPA down. I expect to keep increasing my knowledge and to keep improve my social work skills. I also expect to get more practice in the field by doing internships. I also expect to gain more connections with faculty and students that will be useful in the future.
I plan on specializing in clinical social work. As of right now, I plan on working with the geriatric population especially those in assisted living after completing my MSW. However, I would not mind working with individuals with disabilities.
I think that Ualbany is a good fit because of the size of the program. I also like that the school is near my home so I could live at home and I could keep my current job. The fact that this program is ranked as one the best graduate schools by the U.S. news and world report was another reason why I was drawn to this program. I have such great things about this program, which made me want to go here even

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