Personal Reflection: My New Student Experience

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Recently in my New Student Experience course, we have been focusing on taking assessments that analyze traits like our personality type, values, interests, etc. For example, my personality test showed that I am an ISTJ. This shows that I tend to be an introvert, a sensor, I make decisions using my brain over heart, and that I appreciate organization and punctuality. Throughout taking these series of assessments, I began to understand myself better and come to the realization of goals I have. I have three different goals that I have set for myself. I plan to learn to play an instrument, become an agent for the FBI, and graduate high school with an associate of arts degree. While discovering all of these different areas of myself, I also realized …show more content…

Some might be harder to reach than others are, but all are possible for me if I really work to get there. The hardest goal to reach will probably be my career goal of getting into the FBI because it takes a lot to get there as well as a long time range. My personal goal of learning the guitar is probably the easiest to complete because it isn’t as demanding as my other goals and I set a long time period for a small goal. Finally, my academic goal is definitely reachable, but will take a lot of dedication and commitment to complete. Getting an AA degree in high school is a huge goal to have, but since I had the opportunity to start dual enrollment early through my school, I can hopefully achieve it easier. All these goals, in one way or another, relate back to my personal purpose that I discovered. My purpose in life is to help others and listen to them in order to cause a social change. This is very important to me and is very present throughout my life and every goal I set. Valencia has helped me shaped myself into a more futuristic student and helped me organize my upcoming academic plans. Being in the dual enrollment program is so helpful to my future as well as myself considering my academics is the starting block of my future career and life. The only way I think Valencia could aid me more in depth in order to achieve my goals, is to help me find different opportunities and make connections with people in the field I plan to go into. Other than that, so far I am very happy with what Valencia has provided me with up until this point and I am very excited to start achieving my