Personal Narrative: My Personal Leadership Style

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Introduction There are many different leadership models, styles, and theories that leaders utilize as they lead their subordinates, peers, managers, and organizations. Most leaders have one style where they are more proficient or that they prefer. This paper will discuss a variety of topics including: the leadership style I personally prefer; my best leadership traits and those that need improvement; the leadership approach I prefer as a follower; the leadership model or theory that I utilize in influencing others; my assessment of current leadership and motivational skills and my plan of action to improve them; and an explanation of the steps I will follow to complete my self-improvement goals.
Personal Leadership Style The leadership …show more content…

However, I know that I need to improve my knowledge of many aspects of other types of leadership. For example, I love working for an authentic leader who has the ability to inspire others based on the example they set. I am also interested in learning more about the transformational and adaptive leadership styles. Therefore, I would set goals for myself to learn what it really takes to be the authentic leader, the transformational leader and the adaptive leader.
Authentic Leadership Authentic leadership refers to a leader that actually possesses the beliefs they embrace. Their authenticity is apparent in their actions and their behavior reflects the ethics and values she encourages like transparency and fairness (Mack, 2018). To become a more authentic leader, I need to focus on becoming more open and transparent to others, acknowledging my ethical belief as well as my weaknesses and fears. By opening up to others, I believe that others will recognize that I am worth their trust and I can build stronger relationships with peers and subordinates alike.
Transformational …show more content…

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Introduction and Trait Approach.
Mack, S. (2018). Transactional vs. authentic leadership. Retrieved February 23, 2018, from
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