My Reflection On The Writing Process

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I hope this semester has been good to you. The purpose of this letter is to offer meaningful reflections on the past semester from being enrolled in your composition course. This course has made me a stronger writer and has provided me with skills I will be able to use outside of the classroom once I graduate. In this letter, I will discuss how “writing as a process” has positively affected my writing, how past assignments have shaped my writing, and finally, closing thoughts as this course comes to an end.
One thing I really appreciated about Comp II was “writing as a process”. You provided us with constructive feedback, which allowed me to analyze my mistakes and grow from them so I would not make them again. Having multiple checkpoints before our final papers were due was incredibly beneficial because it forced me to work on my assignments over time, rather than writing a complete paper in one sitting. Writing as a process through constructive feedback, multiple checkpoints, and peer review helped me to maintain a high grade in your class and become a …show more content…

Personally, WA 1 was my favorite assignment because I felt so passionate about the subject I chose—poverty. In this assignment, I could freely express my opinions over world poverty and I became a lot more knowledgeable on the subject. My least favorite assignment was WA 2 because it was unlike any other assignment I had done before. This assignment forced me to dissect someone else’s work and find my own original argument within, and I struggled because this was new to me. Although this assignment was my least favorite, it taught me how to examine others’ writings and I believe I grew from that. Every essay we wrote helped me to grow in different areas and helped to prepare me for future college