My Writing Course Reflection

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Reflection While I have always used writing as a form of expression and reflection, this course has changed my views of writing. Through this course I have gained a deeper understanding of the multiple genres of writing that my students will need to be exposed to. This insight furthered my own experiences with writing and the ways to introduce and instruct my students in these genres.
I found that I am comfortable sharing my writing when I don’t feel that it is as personal or revealing of who I am but prefer not to share personal pieces with everyone. This gave me insight into the struggles my own students may have in sharing their writing, especially those pieces that are personal. It helped me to think about what genres I may choose to …show more content…

It is hard to pick a favorite because I feel like each one served a different purpose. The interview was fun because I was able to learn more about another student that I didn’t know well at the beginning of the semester. It also helped me focus on presentation because I knew I was presenting someone else to the entire class. The personal narrative was fun because it was the first time I had written in a way that used descriptive words to create a scene in the reader's eye with the intent of allowing them to experience what I had for a moment of my life. The cinquain, while initially I thought would be not as intriguing because we were all writing about the same item turned out to be a great experience because I made it personal and shared about a feather that had significant meaning to my family's culture. Sharing my I Am poem gave me a chance to finish and polish a piece of poetry I had been introduced to and attempted last semester but never completed. It also gave me the chance to share part of my life’s journey with others. So to pick one I enjoyed creating most would be hard because each allowed me to show different parts of myself and continue to grow as a