My Stranger Research Paper

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For my Stranger Paper I chose Gavin Seymour to stalk as he was only person in the class I've never seen before. Gavin is a sophomore male who portrays himself to be an introvert. He is academically challenged but does not participate in any school sports or extracurricular activities. Gavin is 5’11”, of average weight with a slight bulky muscular build. Being a sophomore, Gavin is most likely 15 years of age. His dirty blonde hair can be seen gelled up in his 7th grade and freshman year picture, however during the two weeks of observation is hair was relaxed and laying flat which could mean he only styles his hair for special occasions and does not have the time in the mornings to worry about his hair on a daily basis. Gavin's eyebrows are slightly lighter in color than his hair and …show more content…

Gavin's eyes are dark brown and some days the dark circles under his eyes can be more noticable which indicates he is bad with time management as he is either up late doing school work or watching tv and playing video games. With a slight gap in the front teeth and a few crooked teeth on the upper Gavin has either never had braces or was too irresponsible to wear his retainer. Gavins skin is of even tone but struggles with acne probably due to the many times he touches his face throughout the day. Consisting of a few sweatshirts, pants, and shirts Gavin's wardrobe reveals he is a very particular person and sticks to a certain routine and presence. One of his two sweatshirts is a grey zip up with paint or something white stained on the left shoulder which hints that he likes to paint or work on construction projects. The second sweatshirt is a black pullover with distressed strings most likely from Gavin's picking habit which will be discussed

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