My Writing Experience Analysis

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The Tragedy and Joy of Writing We must all go through some type of writing experience. Some experiences are harmful and tragic, while others offer a sense of joy and pride. Further ones are a formulated acquired skill or a beautiful and eloquent form of art. The process of our perception into what we write and convey is confounding because each person perceives it differently that the next. Writing for me is often a tedious and strenuous task, but I have found a way to silently express my emotions. Discovering more about myself from what I have written enlightened me to a new inner voice. I hope that the experiences that I share stimulates my peer’s imaginations and senses, so that they may glimpse into my perception …show more content…

I still feel the intense nervousness that comes along with writing a paper. However, I find myself feeling accomplished even if I must wait for some configuration of underlying response. Another recollection of writing experiences dealt with my further education into Group Dynamics, while gaining my Associate of Arts degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences at Aiken Technical College. The assignment given was extremely difficult. As students in this class, it was our responsibility to design a group therapy plan, which consisted of fourteen sessions, write a grant proposal, and lead the second or third group session with participants of the class as group members. The task of implementing and leading a group session ensured my beliefs in the field that I am currently pursuing. By the time I finished writing my plan, it looked more as if I wrote my first dissertation. My plan contained fourteen sessions, diagrams, charts, and worksheets to not only deal with Domestic Violence, but to teach life enrichment skills and provide further assistance to persons in need of certain services. The group plan was a sixty-four page paper, which in turn could be used as a resourceful guide for other groups such as Child Abuse, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Bereavement, …show more content…

The first, a poem, initialized fear of another’s critique. However, it overwhelmed me with tears of joy when I finally gave in and read the response. Finally, I felt accomplished. I created something recognized by others and worthy of publication.
The second, a group therapy program, developed another type of fear. This fear instilled an unsure feeling of whether it would actually work as a therapy program that could help others. After a trial run, it proved very effective and beneficial. The emotion and relief that we all came away with, allowed for continued interaction, communication, and connectedness to each participant within the group. I discovered that writing is more than just a mere process of putting words on a piece of paper. This collection of experiences, emotions, and skills develops into a way to communicate one’s perception of a thought. The unique development is one which in the end becomes a well-formed piece of art