NASA Say The Sun Isn T To Blame Essay

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Global Warming: NASA says the sun isn’t to blame, so what is?
According to NASA, since 1750 the average amount of energy coming from the sun ultimately remained the same. So why, exactly, is the general temperature of our planet increasing? I’m astonished you did not know, because humans are the cause of it. Deforestation (cutting down trees) and the burning of fossil fuels are the two leading causes of global warming. These activities increase the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which could potentially be harmful if levels continue to rise. Water vapor also increases as the Earth warms up, which means that chances of clouds and precipitation will rise. Modest changes in the temperature of our planet typically influence tremendous changes in the Earth’s environment, which leads to many consequences. …show more content…

Scientists also predict that global Temperatures will continue to rise for decades to come, so don’t be surprised when you notice these changes occur over the next few years. Things like this are only going to get worse if we don’t do something about it. As you may know, trees give off oxygen, which is vital to every living organism on this Earth. In outer space, there is no oxygen, which is why humans have to wear space suits. If a human being were to take off the helmet that supplied oxygen to them, they would die in a matter of seconds. Like I said before, oxygen is vital to humans and trees supply it. Trees keep people alive, and people are killing trees to builds new fast-food