Nanogels Case Study

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3. Common tests to characterize Nanogels:

3.1In vitro
Also known as “test tube experiment” it is a study done outside the living organism. The main aim of preforming this study is to either assess the toxicity, the release behavior and/or the physical property of the drug. In our paper we will be reviewing different articles that conducted in vitro study to assess the properties of nanogels.

3.1.1Toxicity profile assessment:
MTT colorimetric assay:
A colorimeteric cleavage assay that helps in assessing cell survival and proliferation, also it can aid in quantifying macrophage-mediating cytotoxicity. MTT assay is a highly sensitive and reproductive method, it doesn’t require presence of radioactive compounds, easy to perform and quantify and it’s a rapid method.(Ferrari et al., 1990)
A study was conducted on doxorubicin (DOX) and doxorubicin poly(N-isopropylacylamide-co-acrylic aid) (PNA) conjugates to assess their cytotoxicity …show more content…

Mechanical shaking was applied and the concentration of DOX was assessed by the use of UV/VIS spectrophometer. The results showed that as the PH decrease, the drug release increases, proofing that GCS-g-DEAP nanogel are sensitive to the change in PH. Therefore GCS-g-DEAP nanogel can be useful in targeting cancer associated with acidic PH.(Muk Oh et al., 2010)
On the other handin vivo study is done within the living organism. The aim of preforming this study is to evaluate the effect produced by the drug on the body (pharmacodynamics) as well as the effect of the body on the drug (pharmacokinetics). This study provides more appropriate prospective on the overall effect on the living subjects. We will be reviewing the invivo tests done on nanogels in some published articles.

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