Oral Mucosa Research Paper

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1.3. Oral mucosa 1.3.1. Anatomy and histology The oral mucosa is the mucous membrane lining the inside of the mouth and consists of stratified squamous epithelium termed oral epithelium and an underlying connective tissue termed lamina propria (Nanci and Elsevier, 2013). At the lips the oral mucosa is continuous with the skin, and at pharynx the oral mucosa is continuous with the moist mucosa lining the rest of the gut. thus the oral mucosa is located anatomically between skin and gastrointestinal mucosa (Nanci,2008). The oral mucosa can be divided into three main types: lining, masticatory and specialized (Mary and Margaret, 2011). Lining mucosa is a type of mucosa …show more content…

The regenerative capacity of tissues and organs in the body is fundamental to healthy ageing. Regeneration is dependent on the number and division rate of the proliferating (basal) cells, their genomic stability and their propensity for cell death (Shojaei, 1998; Squier and Kremer, 2001; Sarto et al., 1990; Holland , 2008). Criteria for identifying and scoring cell types in the buccal micronucleus cytome assay The scoring criteria for the various distinct cell types and nuclear anomalies in the BMCyt assay are mainly based on those originally described by Tolbert et al (1992). These criteria classify buccal cells into categories that distinguish between normal cells and cells that are considered abnormal on the basis of nuclear and cytological features, which are indicative of DNA damage , cytokinetic failure or cell death. According to these criteria, cell types in the BMCyt assay classified …show more content…

It has recently been shown that chromosomal non-disjunction occurs with a higher frequency in binucleated cells that fail to complete cytokinesis , rather than in cells that have completed cytokinesis (Shi and king, 2005). The binucleate : mononucleate cell ratio may therefore prove to be an important biomarker for identifying individuals with a cytokinesis failure caused by higher-than-normal rates of aneuploidy , such as that observed in Down’s syndrome (Thomas et al.,2007;Thomas and

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