Napoleon And Snowball's Power In Animal Farm

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Mr. Jones was a farmer, a human, and a leader of animals. He was not a very good one though, he was frequently drunk and most of the time just an angry natured man. Old Major the pig realized this and knew that it wasn’t right and that he and the other animals needed to do something about it but he soon passed away. This gave way for Snowball and Napoleon to follow suit and carry on for Old Major. But Napoleon ends up taking over and doing nothing like what Old Major would have wanted. Napoleon and Snowball both established themselves as leaders but then Napoleon started to take more control of the reigns of power when he instilled fear on the other animals. He was also power thirsty and stole the cows milk and some apples for his own benefit. Even though Napoleon was never the one with the greatest ideas, he is the one that gained the most power because he was selfish. Snowball was the one with all of the gem ideas and smart tactics. …show more content…

He wanted to follow in the footsteps of Old Major and he thought that Napoleon wanted the same thing. Thanks to Snowball, Mr. Jones and his men did not take over the farm again. Snowball also started to make up a plan for a windmill to give the animals more leisure time but Napoleon said it was an awful idea and it would allow the animals less time for producing food which scared the animals. Napoleon said the windmill was a bad idea, knowing full and well that it was a good one. All because he craved power. Napoleon was envious and frustrated with Snowball now, and he gets his “henchmen” of vicious dogs to run him out of the farm forever. After this Napoleon becomes the one with all of the power almost and tells the animals that there will be no more debates and that he is in charge. He keeps telling the animals that if they don’t listen to what he says that Mr. Jones will come back and run the farm again. This scares the animals because Mr. Jones was such an awful