
Napoleon Bonaparte Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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The Lord Of The Flies is a fictional novel created by William Golding. Golding created a story where boys were trapped on an island after their plane crashed. On this island there were two leaders - Jack and Ralph. Jack displayed power, and order by showing how much of a savage he was. Ralph displayed freedom, and peace, with the conch. Although these two kids are good leaders, they also had flaws. Napoleon Bonaparte is a perfect leader. He demonstrated both freedom, and power. He was a military general during the French Revolution, and slowly after rose to power as French Emperor. To say Bonaparte didn’t enforce freedom and order into his country is pure ignorance. Bonaparte demonstrated freedom. Bonaparte wasn’t only a man hungry for war, but also knew he had to build and support France. He achieved this by releasing the Napoleonic Code. This code was based on equality. …show more content…

The Battle of Austerlitz, one of Napoleon’s greatest victories, was a very uneven battle. France, alone had to defend himself from Britain, Russia, and Austria. Historians consider this to be one of the greatest battles in the 19th century, because of how Bonaparte approached this situation. He used his own men as bait, by making his right flank weak so his army would get attacked. Bonaparte did this because he wanted to lure the enemy into a trap, where the enemy would fall, and soon surrender. Not only did Napoleon control his soldiers actions, but also the enemies. Jack provided power and order with his savageness. He showed he could hunt, which gained him power. Jack then quickly wanting to take over land, attacked Ralph's tribe, and overtook him. Ralph lacked. Instead of being able to control his men, he instead allowed to do whatever they want. The little-uns for example he wasn’t able to control, which lead to him having to do all the work. Instead of enforcing power, he instead was weak. This is a poor excuse of a

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