Nature Vs Nurture Substance Abuse Essay

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Cylina Schibig

Mrs. Jennifer Hart

PSYC 1000

14 April 2023

Addiction: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Substance abuse is a severe problem that has affected millions of individuals globally. It is defined as the use of drugs or alcohol in a way that causes harm to an individual's health, relationships, and social functioning. The debate on whether substance abuse is caused by nature or nurture factors has been ongoing for decades. Nature refers to genetic and biological factors that influence an individual's susceptibility to developing addiction, while nurture encompasses environmental factors such as upbringing, socioeconomic status, and peer pressure.

Studies have shown that genetics plays a significant role in substance abuse. According …show more content…

Individuals who grow up in unstable households where they experience trauma such as neglect or physical/sexual abuse are more likely to develop addiction problems (Psychology Today). Also, people living in poverty-stricken areas where drugs are readily available may engage in substance abuse due to lack of opportunities or hopelessness.

Substance abuse is a major public health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. The causes of substance abuse are complex, and they involve both nature and nurture factors. Nature refers to genetic predispositions that can increase an individual's susceptibility to addiction, while nurture involves environmental factors such as upbringing, peer pressure, and lack of opportunities or hopelessness.

Nature plays a significant role in the development of substance abuse problems. Studies have found that some individuals may be genetically predisposed to addiction due to their family history. For instance, research has shown that children with a parent who struggles with alcoholism are four times more likely to develop alcohol use disorder themselves (Psychology Today). Similarly, studies on twins have shown that genetics account for 40-60% of an individual's risk for developing drug addiction (National Institute on Drug …show more content…

Children who grow up in households where parents or other family members abuse substances are more likely to develop addictions themselves later in life (Psychology Today). Additionally, peer pressure can also contribute significantly to the onset of drug use and subsequent addiction.

Moreover, another aspect of nurture that can lead individuals towards substance abuse is lack of opportunities or hopelessness. People who live in poverty-stricken areas often experience feelings of despair and hopelessness due to their circumstances (Psychology Today). They may turn to drugs as a way of coping with these negative emotions or escaping reality temporarily.

In conclusion, it can be argued that both nature and nurture contribute significantly to substance abuse problems among individuals. While genetics predispose some individuals to addiction, environmental factors such as upbringing and peer pressure also play a crucial role in shaping an individual's relationship with drugs and alcohol. Therefore, it is essential for policymakers and healthcare professionals to address all aspects of this issue when developing strategies aimed at preventing and treating substance