
Nature's New Deal: Differences Between Environmentalism And Conservation

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Nature’s New Deal. By Neil M. Maher (University of Oxford Press, 2008. Acknowledgements, Introduction, epilogue, notes, index. $15.87 paperback)

In the introduction of the Nature’s New Deal, it explains the differences among environmentalism and conservation also the politics of Roosevelt’s New Deal.Environmentalism represents a situation more concerned with humans; including wilderness protection, eco-friendly balance and health outdoors. While conservation involves the efficient use of raw material. The politics of Roosevelt’s New Deal aggregated a rare alliance between the western farmers and eastern intellectuals. In conclusion of the introduction, the CCC (Civilian Corporation Corps) aided conservation into environmentalism while still helping Roosevelt conquer the New Deal coalition. The author wanted to address the main parts of the New Deal before starting the book to get a better understanding to the New Deal. …show more content…

It shows this by the idea coming from Roosevelt’s childhood with the Progressive conservation and his participation with the Boy Scouts (34). This chapter emphasizes on how Roosevelt’s way of thinking, about the Boy Scouts influencing the conclusion to create the Corps. The Boy Scout philosophy helped the conservation movement but it also helped start the New Deal. Which the Boy Scouts of America was established in 1910 (33). The economy was down because unemployment was high during that time. Which politically was one of the reasons Roosevelt wanted to start the New Deal.
The work relief programs made city men work in rural areas, Roosevelt knew having exposure as a governor, this significantly built his political capital. Some of the reasons for the environmental conservations programs; were to reduce soil erosion, enhance water supplies, conserve undeveloped land etc. President Roosevelt came up with the act of 19993, agricultural adjustment.

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