Negative Effects Of Daycare

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DAYCARE, SCULPTING the FUTURE Todays’ fast paced life style and the need for both parents to work to make ends meet seems to have created the daycare dilemma. The reality is that parenting - the most important job a woman can have - is not valued enough. No one should ever feel like she is "only a mom" – but should be more highly valued than any other profession. No job is as important; no job has the possibilities for improving our world by raising up the capacity to love and trust others. Although studies show the negative effects of daycare on young children as they grow-up in these conditions are not beneficial to their future. According to Public Agenda Online (, in 1960, …show more content…

A recent study found that 40% of daycare centers for infants and toddlers gave less than the minimal standard of care. Problems ranged from safety hazards to indifferent caregivers to a lack of toys. According to, if a caregiver spoons food from one bowl into the mouths of half a dozen toddlers lined up in high chairs, as it has been known to happen, not only is the health of the children at risk but they are not receiving the kind of attention that promotes healthy brain development. The challenge for the states is to regulate and subsidize child care in a way as to increase the likelihood of good outcomes for. Bad daycares can harm the development of a …show more content…

Several states license centers require a minimum amount of training and setting ratios for different age groups. Welfare mothers are not always the best caregivers, and it is possible that in some cases welfare reform will improve the care of children. But high-quality care is expensive, and states do not have enough budget to subsidize it. The Federal Government and the states do have programs directed at helping the development of infants and toddlers. North Carolina has put into place a flexible program called Smart Start. Under it, parents, teachers, doctors and nurses, child-care providers, ministers and businesspeople form partnerships at the county level set goals for the education and health care of children under six. These partnerships then administer private and public funds as they see fit. In one county, for example, administrators chose to give subsidies to new parents so that mothers could stay home from work during a baby 's first year. More than half of North Carolina 's 100 counties are participating in the program. (underlined material is in part