Neil Armstrong Persuasive Essay

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July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong took one small step that became one large step for mankind (“A Brief History of Space Exploration”). Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. But the start of space exploration was not an original American dream. During World War II, Nazi’s developed long-ranged rockets which fueled the idea of traveling to space (“A Brief History of Space Exploration”). The idea of long-ranged missiles and space-travel intrigued the interest of other countries and the space race began.
After the end of WWII, the Soviet Union and the United States started creating their own missile programs (“A Brief History of Space Exploration”). Both countries had hopes to be the first in space and soon after the creation of …show more content…

The United States gross debt is equal to around $19 trillion and the national debt held by the public is over $14 trillion (“Q&A: Everything You Need to Know About National Debt”). Debt can and has had extreme consequences on the economy and the nation as a whole. Debt causes slower wage growth and an increase in the cost of living (“Q&A: Everything You Need to Know About National Debt”). The longer that is waited to pay off the debt the greater the amount of interest is owed. In 2015 alone, the United States paid $223 billion in interest on debt . By 2026 the interest rate with more than triple and by 2030 the rate will equal around 14% of the current federal budget (“Q&A: Everything You Need to Know About National Debt”). Shifting funds from space exploration can help cut the national debt and stop the increase of the cost of living, while stopping the slowing of wage …show more content…

At the moment, the United States electrical production accounts for one-third of the nation's global emissions (“Renewable Energy Can Provide 80 Percent of U.S. Electricity by 2050”). Coal alone is twenty-five percent of that, and natural gas is another six percent (“Renewable Energy Can Provide 80 Percent of U.S. Electricity by 2050”). This beautiful country should be reserved for the future generations to come. Transferring the focus to renewable energy could cut down energy emissions down 81% by 2050 if only 80% of the energy creation was renewable (“Renewable Energy Can Provide 80 Percent of U.S. Electricity by 2050”). The carbon emissions would be reduced by an astonishing 80% (“Renewable Energy Can Provide 80 Percent of U.S. Electricity by 2050”). What is troubling is that this is feasible with the current technology that has been created. Wind and solar alone could produce 50% of the United States electrical needs (“Renewable Energy Can Provide 80 Percent of U.S. Electricity by 2050”). Renewable can be the new future of this country if funds are shifted from space exploration and instead focused on the preservation of

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