Net Neutrality Pros And Cons

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The biggest problem with net neutrality is making everyone in the United States happy with the final decision. Making everyone happy is a very hard thing to do, and it can be said that it’s almost impossible to do. Some people don’t know what net neutrality is. Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites (Wu, 2017). This means that consumers can access any site they want, as long as they are paying their monthly internet bill. With the FCC voting to repeal net neutrality, the vote is currently being appealed by the Senate and many online petitions, internet providers will be able …show more content…

The debate started in the early 2000’s when cable and phone companies started to roll out broadband networks (Wu, 2017). These companies immediately started to block certain sites and VPNs from consumers (Wu, 2017). This caused the FCC to lay out some rules and parameters for these cable and phone companies to follow. In 2005, the basic net neutrality rules that people know today were formed (Wu, 2017). These net neutralities rules were carried out by both the Bush and Obama administrations. With the new Trump administration in the white house, the FCC wants to repeal net neutrality. This would give cable and phone companies freedom to restrict whatever they want unless the consumer wants to pay more money to access restricted sites. These companies want to take this ability and take the advantage of the consumers. Most, if not all, consumers will allow these companies to take advantage of them, which is very wrong. Net neutrality helps protect the consumer against these …show more content…

These payments only give businesses the ability to make contact with international businesses. When this contact is made, international businesses have to obey to United States rules and regulations (Carrillo, A. J., & Nunziato, D. C., 2015). With most international countries having net neutrality rules in place, they would unlikely want to do business with U.S. businesses or unable to do business (Carrillo, A. J., & Nunziato, D. C., 2015). With the reduction of trading between the United States and foreign countries, the U.S. economy will become weaker and so will the economies of other countries. Another claim why net neutrality shouldn’t be repealed is that it would go against the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In other words, advocators of net neutrality feel that the repeal of net neutrality is going against the first amendment (Powell, A., & Cooper, A., 2011). Companies like Google and eBay support this notion, while network operators like AT&T and Cisco fight against it (Powell, A., & Cooper, A., 2011). The networks that disagree with this claim are the ones that are trying to get an extra dollar out of the