Neuropsychological Disorders Cause Brain Trauma

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Neuropsychological disorders can also cause brain trauma. Epilepsy is an example of a neuropsychological disorder. Epilepsy interrupts the brain’s electrical flow. A person with epilepsy will experience a seizure which may be generalised or partial. A partial seizure only occurs in one part of the brain. There are two types of partial seizures; Simple and complex. A simple partial seizure has symptoms which are primarily motor or sensory. A complex partial seizure is associated with simple, repetitive behaviour. A generalised seizure involves the whole brain. There are two types of generalised seizures. These are grand- mal and petit-mal. The grand-mal is considered more severe as it is associated with loss of consciousness, loss or equilibrium and tonic-clonic convulsions. Petiot-mal on the other hand is not associated with loss of consciousness, instead it is associated with absence. If one experiences multiple seizures …show more content…

It is a movement disorder that generally effects middle to old age people. (Strickland & Bertoni, 2004). Lorincz (2006) discovered that it is 2.5 times more likely to occur in males than in females. Initially it begins with a slight tremor and gets progressively worse. It can occur due to faulty genes, brain infections and strokes. Brown, Gotham & Marsden (1987) conducted a study to show how cognitive impairments can be observed in people with Parkinson’s disease. They found that the deficits of Parkinson’s disease have a close similarity to damage of the prefronatal cortex. When patients were off levodopa they had an impairment of verbal fluency. Huntingtons disease is a motor disorder that is passed down from generation with rapid deteriation that starts of as a slight fidgetiness and can cause dementia. Bossy-wetzel, Petrilli & Knott (2008) state that due to the fact that Parkinson’s disease occurs so late in life, the effect on the brain that it has is not entirely

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