New Belgium Brewing Company Business Analysis

658 Words3 Pages

“To operate a profitable company which is socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible, that produces high quality beer true to Belgian brewing styles” (Wann, 2014). The New Belgium Brewing Company which is commonly known for their award winning beers, for example Sour Beers and Fat Tire, is located in Fort Collins, Colorado. The objective of this paper is to analyze the corporate social responsibility of New Belgium Brewing Company. In this analysis, we will go over the company’s corporate charitable giving, policies toward new technology, views of environmental responsibilities, and their approach to customer service. A main focus in the company’s social responsibility of New Belgium Brewing Company, is the corporate charitable giving. They are well known for the Philanthropy Program which has been able to provide organizations in many countries. “We began donating $1 for every barrel of beer sold to non-profit organizations in the communities where we sell our beers” (Philanthropy, 2014). Another main focus of NBB is staying local and giving back to the communities. An example of this is NBB having a two-day bike tour, called “Best Damn Bike Tour” …show more content…

A new addition to their program is called “Smart Grid”. The “Smart Grid” program allows NBB to apply an additional flow of energy and information. NBB can efficiently manage the equipment and technologies, while maintaining a clear position to communicate with the employees and nearby power companies. As stated on the New Belgium Brewing Company’s website, “A Smart Grid applies 21st century technology to our power systems. We now receive notification from our electricity provider when the grid is at peak demand, and can take informed steps like shutting off non-essential power loads for short amounts of times to reduce our peak demand & energy costs” (Energy,