Nike's Ethos Pathos Logos

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“You’re not supposed to be here” (Nike 0:05-0:07). Lebron James says this many times throughout the commercial Come out of Nowhere. People may take these comments in a literal sense as they start out the commercial, but by the end people learn the true meaning of why Lebron keeps saying “You’re not supposed to be here”(Nike 0:05-0:07). Nike has created a variety of different commercials that have advertised their products, but this commercial portrays a different message. A message that gives hope through emotions and it truly lets you know that you can believe this message because Lebron went through a similar situation. Through the use of ethos and pathos, Nike is able to portray that no matter who you are, if you believe in yourself you …show more content…

Since Lebron is the narrator in Come out of Nowhere the audience is really able to feel like they can do anything when it comes to basketball. Lebron is credible because he has been around basketball his whole life and he is now one of the most popular players in the NBA. Another reason he is credible is because Lebron had a similar situation growing up that the scenarios in the commercial show. Lebron was not given his talent, he worked for it until he was unstoppable and this is why Nike chose him to be the Narrator of this article. Through his hard work he was able to give a championship to a city who hadn’t had one in 50 plus years, so people respect him and listen to what he has to say. Rather than if they would have had someone like Miley Cyrus come and narrate about basketball. Everyone would think the commercial was pointless because Miley Cyrus has never been around basketball before and people don’t respect her as much as they do Lebron for what he did for Cleveland sports fans. It was a good choice for Nike to pick Lebron for this commercial because of how credible of a source he is when it comes to

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