
Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest minds back in the day. Throughout his life time he invented many things that jump started the “new look” into many things that are still being used today, just a newer updated version. Tesla’s vision of alternating current system being the better choice compared to direct current system. Around 1887, Tesla was able to find interest in his AC electric system and started the funding for the Tesla Electric Company. Throughout that year he founded many patents on many inventions that ran smoothly with his AC system. In 1888 George Westinghouse, a famous inventor, purchased Tesla’s patents, for $60,000, in the hopes of achieving great success. This new current system caught the attention of …show more content…

This was not a fees-able way to do things. The AC system on the other hand was unlimited in the distance it could travel without losing any voltage. This system was evolutionary and would have change the way we live today because of the fact that Tesla found a way to do it and it would create free electricity for everyone.
The “Tesla Coil”, which was Tesla’s ground-breaking invention that paved the way for wireless technologies and is still currently being used today. The Tesla Tower (wardenclyffe tower) and Tesla Coil together, is where Tesla’s vision for free, wireless electricity is still known as the greatest idea of all time.
This massive transmission tower was built over an aquifer, which is an underground layer of water- bearing permeable rock. This is a major key factor in the unlimited traveling distance of the AC system.
This tower was 186 ft. tall and the cupola was 68 ft. in diameter. The tower also had a 55-ton steel hemispherical structure at the top. The structure was built that way to allow each piece to be taken out and replaced as necessary. This design used Tesla’s idea that the charged conductive upper layer in

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