
Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Nikola Tesla is a widely known Serbian-American inventor who developed the Alternating Current system, also known as AC. He was born on July 10th, 1856 in Smiljan Croatia to his mother Djuka Mandic and his father Mulutin Tesla. From these two people was his interest in inventing was derived. His mother had invented many different household appliances to help her with her daily tasks. His father was a priest. Tesla has a long list of academic credibility. He attended a wide variety of schools. He began his studies in 1870 at Realschule Karlstadt; Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria; And the University of Prague (Tesla, Nikola). In the early 1980’s, Tesla moved to Budapest seeking work at the American Telephone Company. This company …show more content…

His presentation had successfully gained him a lot of positive interest. A number of engineers who worked for the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company told their boss of the newly found inventor. George Westinghouse was told of tesla and his viable AC generator and other electrical equipment of his. Luckily for Tesla and Westinghouse alike, George had been looking for devices such as these and their creators so that he could obtain patents for this equipment. He had tried previously on securing a patent on equipment that was similar but thought that Tesla’s equipment would dominate the competitors on the market (PBS).
Months later, Tesla’s previous partners, Brown and Peck, had begun negotiating with Westinghouse to work out a purchase of the patents. They had worked out a deal that included Tesla’s induction motor and transformers for $60,000 in cash along with stock and a royalty of $2.50 for every alternating current horsepower produced by each motor out there. Along with this deal, Westinghouse had also hired Tesla for a year with wages of $2,000 per month for him to be a consultant at the Pittsburgh location of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company (Tesla’s

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