
Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Nikola Tesla is a Serbian-American inventor and engineer and has developed the electrical system used today. Tesla is not very popular because he rarely published his work, there are so many things that he has invented, which has actually greatly affected people’s live.

In his time, the majority of the world was using candles to light their houses and streets, and then came an electric system, known as alternating current, which was invented by Tesla and it was also the reason of the second industrial revolution. Even though many people think that Thomas Edison invented electricity, they are thinking of Thomas Edison as someone who invented the light bulb, and then relating it to electricity. It was Tesla who invented the idea of an electric …show more content…

He was able to fix generators and machines, which Thomas Edison was having problems with. Thus, he is still known for someone who discovered remarkable things, but didn’t write them down. When he stopped working for Edison, he started working on his own current electrical system and this created a feud between Edison and Tesla, because at that time, Edison was actually trying to sell his own current system, but the problem with his system was that it didn’t cover much space. As for the radio, which is an invention of Marconi, Tesla was involved in that as well. Marconi actually used Tesla’s work and based his research and experiment on that. Tesla was someone who was vulnerable and an introvert, but a very important inventor. Tesla has about 40 U.S. patents on AC electrical system, which he then sold to George Westinghouse, who was an American engineer and businessman. When it …show more content…

Moreover, among his many inventions is the hydroelectric power plant, which he developed at Niagara Falls. Ten years after inventing Tesla coil, Tesla started working on his global communication system, where he devised the idea of a large tower that would have the ability to share information and provide free electricity as well; this was not in the United States only, but for the whole world. However, even though the idea was out of the box and was never heard of before, it didn’t become a success because of financial constraints. He had to leave his laboratory, which was in New York and had to leave his work behind as well. Throughout his career, Tesla showed that he was a genius when it came to creativity and innovation. He invented a lot of ideas and worked on those ideas; most of his ideas were patent and when he couldn’t afford to work on the project alone, he would sell his patents like the dynamos, which are electrical generators and are similar to batteries and the induction motor as

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