Noble Characters In Romeo And Juliet

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According to Oxford Dictionaries, a noble is someone “Having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles or ideals”. This can be a real-life person, or someone from a work of fiction. In literature, a character given the title of a noble may not have the personality characteristics that a noble character has. An exception to this is Prince Escalus from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, who has the qualities of a noble character, as well as the title of a noble. Throughout the play, Prince Escalus displays high moral principles by focusing on keeping peace in Verona, deciding the consequences for actions that occur under his rule without showing bias, and settling arguments between people under his rule. A good ruler is one who …show more content…

Countless times throughout the play, Prince Escalus works to end the longtime feud between the Capulets and Montagues. Following the street battle in the first scene of the first act, he speaks to Capulet and Montague, saying “you Capulet; shall go along with me and, Montague, come you this afternoon to know our further pleasure in this case” (I.i.99-101). In an attempt to settle the argument between the two sides, Prince Escalus wants to schedule a meeting with both Capulet and Montague to discuss what needs to happen for the two families to come together. Further on in the play, Prince Escalus is forced to exile Romeo, a Montague, after he kills Tybalt, a member of the rival Capulet family. This is another attempt Prince Escalus makes to stop the fighting between the families, and he tries to remove one of the sources of the problem, Romeo. However, Romeo returns to Verona and kills himself to die with Juliet, a Capulet and his wife. Coincidentally, she is in a coma, not actually dead, and ends up killing herself when discovering that Romeo is dead. Upon the discovery of the dead lovers, Prince Escalus concludes that the feud between the Capulets and Montagues was the cause behind the suicide of the two. The blame is placed on Capulet and Montague, and this finally marks the end of the feud between their