
Nonionizing Radiation In The Last Ship

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Radiation is something we are all aware of in a general term. However, many of us do not realize the science or depth within the field of radiation. Radiation is not something we can see to defend against. It is not something many of us are aware of just how dangerous it can be. The Last Ship goes into the science of radiation and what effect it has on the human race. It brings into light the power that radiation holds on us. Everyone knows of the term, radiation. However, what is it really? Radiation can be classified in to two types. There is nonionizing radiation and ionizing radiation. Nonionizing radiation doesn’t harm humans right away and is what we think of when radiation is mentioned such as ultraviolet rays and microwaves. Though …show more content…

We meet a character named Mr. Selmon who is a radiation officer. He specializes in different types of radiation and how to calculate the amounts that are present in the air. Throughout the majority of the book, he was a major asset to the ship. He had to give the signal that the other men and women could safely go to shore or even be outside without the threat of radiation poisoning. His job is so important because you cannot detect the radiation without his special machinery and calculations. Radiation is also not confined to a specific area. It can be taken where ever the wind does. Humans can get radiation sickness from total body exposure of 1 gray (Radiation Sickness). To put this into a more medical perspective, various types of cancers are targeted with radiation. The smaller portions used to help prevent certain cancers use a targeted amount of radiation at 10-20 grays (Nuclear Radiation). This explains why many cancer patients lose their hair or have a reaction to the treatment. If these levels were given to the entire body in an uncontrolled setting, such as what happens in The Last Ship, humans not only get severe radiation sickness but most would die within the

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