Nonprofit Accountability Essay

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This writer believes the future of nonprofit accountability will become more in charge of what accountability means. I think it is important for all those leaders involved in the nonprofit really leave the brand they are establishing, and I think the brand continues to grow. I think the nonprofits need to look at ethics and ensure their policy and procedures are lived up to by all employees. Further, I believe lobby will take place that will change some of the mandates on nonprofit tax exempt entities. To sustain themselves in the business arena I believe the nonprofits will have to consistently look for other means of revenue other than government (Medicaid, Medicare) contracts and or grants. I believe nonprofits will have more influence …show more content…

I don’t believe in accountability overload. I agree, with Ebrahim view that nonprofits look at accountability in hindsight however I believe they should dictate their accountability. According to Ebrahim (2010) currently nonprofits are expected to be accountable to several stakeholders including the client. My prediction again, is that nonprofits will move away from the sole tax exempt positioning and when operating as a corporation they will open their books to whomever ask, whether stake holder or not. According to Behn, DeVries, & Lin, (2007) 546,106 nonprofits grossed in excess of two trillion dollars according to the National Center for Charitable Statistics in 2004. These numbers may seem staggering, this only accounts for 9% of the US workforce, according to the Independent sector as cited by (Behn, DeVries, & Lin 2007). Though corporate America has had their share of fraudulent activities, nonprofits have also experienced misappropriation of funds; thus the need and norm will be transparency. This writer believes this will be part of the policy and procedure written in forward thinking nonprofits. My prediction is nonprofits will be much more forward thinking and employing leaders who will bring innovative ideas on how to brand themselves into the community creating social change and social accountability. This method of doing business, I believe is what will create sustainability and breathe new life into the