Nordstrom Case Study Boca Raton

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The results from the surveys I handed out at Nordstrom in Boca Raton have led us to many valuable conclusions. I was able to conclude that many of the employees were not satisfied at Nordstrom. Also, I noticed that employees do not feel that Nordstrom appreciates them. The majority of Nordstrom’s employees are between the ages of 25-45, according to the surveys. I previously predicted these age groups because this is mostly the age group that shops at this store. Another important aspect to Nordstrom’s success is that more than half of Boca Raton shops at this store, an overwhelming majority, are not shopping for just themselves, but also for others. This conclusion could easily be expected due to family oriented neighborhoods surrounding …show more content…

There will be a touch screen jukebox to lighten up the mood of the employees. Every week the employees should nominate an employee for their hard work and their picture will go on the wall with a specialized sign just for them. This way the employee will feel special and felt like they are needed in the workplace. Also another way that employees can be motivated is by having 3 days off when they have worked the minimum hours they need to work. By doing this an employee can come back refreshed from there “break” and help customer needs. This way the employee will not be tired. They can have a raffle and the employees can win free gift cards, free meal at the Nordstrom Bar or even get 35 percent a full price item they would like to buy at Nordstrom. Nordstrom employees should have quality circles, which is where group of workers meet voluntarily to discuss work-related issues. This way the employees can get to know each other better by using their communication skills and other employees can relate to it and if they cannot solve the situation they can go to their manager to figure out a solution to the problem. When employees enter each morning they should sign in with their picture that is on the tablet or computer this way they experience something new and high technology. Every time a family member comes and shops from them they should use their NMember card and receive points. As months go by Nordstrom’s employees should see the change and feel motivated that they are working at a lovely place and should appreciate where they