
Nosferatu Personal Statement

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The globalisation of our world has accentuated the necessity for us to become global citizens; this can be achieved by studying languages, which enables us to interact with people from across the globe and equips us with the attributes of empathy and cultural awareness. I am currently studying A-Level French; a subject that I have a strong avidity for. My ardour for French has incentivised me to begin studying an AS-Level course in German this year, despite not having studied it at GCSE; a challenging, but rewarding decision. This summer, I completed three language summer schools at: UCL, University of Cambridge and Lancaster University. I attended a number of lectures which introduced me to enthralling topics that I had not previously considered, …show more content…

Recently, I watched the German film ‘Nosferatu' which I found to be atypical of other German films I had seen, leading to me research German Expressionism. I believe that the arts from this period are analogous to one another and that they reflect the political, social and economic situation in Germany at the time. Understanding the context of films and literature is fundamental for appreciating their themes and messages. I am currently reading French literature from the classical, enlightenment and romantic époques and have observed changes in tone and style. The conventions which governed the way the playwrights Racine and Molière wrote are a stark contrast with the freedom in the works of Hugo and Chateaubriand. Reading ‘A Concise History of France’ by Roger Price introduces the historical events in France at the time, whilst Pascal’s ‘Pensées’ and Voltaire’s ‘Candide’ further my understanding of the philosophical ideas. I also enjoy reading modern French literature, including Gide’s ‘L’Immortaliste’, Joffo’s ‘Un Sac de Billes’ and Sartre’s ‘La Nausée’. These novels are compelling and each questions the human condition in a different manner. This October, I have arranged work experience in France and I will be staying with a French family, giving me an opportunity to develop my oral and aural skills and to gain an insight into French

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