Not Courageous Enough To Take Risk Will Accomplish Nothing In Life Essay

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Introduction Essay “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life,” wise words of Muhammad Ali. These are words I live by in my daily life. I apply this quote especially to my academic life. I believe that you get out what you put in. This quote applies to my high school english history, my academic goals, my personal pursuits, my post-graduation goals, and even my trepidations about the upcoming year. Last year for english I had Mrs. Shindle in Acc. English 10. I have been taking accelerated english classes since seventh grade when they raised me to the accelerated to give me more of a challenge. I’ve covered various pieces of literature including many works of Shakespeare. The most memorable piece of literature I’ve covered was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I would argue that this is one of Harper Lee’s greatest accomplishments. Accomplishments as far as my writing goes is just from receiving good grades on papers I worked really hard on. Last year, for one of my classes, I put an extensive amount of work into one of my essays, and it felt like such an accomplishment to get a good grade on it. It was remarkably rewarding seeing 30/30 written at the top of my paper along with my teacher's comment “excellent!!” when he handed it back. I think that those are some of the most rewarding accomplishments even …show more content…

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