Not Guilty: The O. J. Simpson Case

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The O.J. Simpson case, one of the most influential cases in legal history, introduced the world to reality television, heightened the demand for celebrity gossip, and paved the way for the current twenty four hour news system. However, the trial is just as controversial as it is influential leading the jury’s verdict to be questioned at every opportunity. The erroneous handling of evidence, the biases of not only the police but the jury, and favorable circumstances on O.J. Simpson’s part led to a not guilty verdict. The Jury in the O.J. Simpson trial had no choice but to declare Orenthal James Simpson not guilty of the murders of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson. Some people believe the jury made the wrong choice and that there was sufficient evidence for a guilty verdict. Some people believed …show more content…

was guilty. The proposed motive was Mark Fuhrman's racism. EDTA (an anticoagulant) found in blood collected at O.J.’s home supports this theory. However, EDTA is naturally found in blood and at the time of the trial there were no tests able to distinguish between natural and contaminant EDTA. The positive EDTA results may have come from the contamination of the equipment used to perform the tests. The first hole in the prosecution’s case came in the form of the substandard collection of evidence. Pictures of evidence were taken of the crime scenes without a scale next to them and this evidence was logged incorrectly making it impossible to link most of the evidence to any part of the crime scene. The LAPD failed to account for the amount of blood taken from Mr. Simpson and it appeared 1.5mL of

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