Ntvo University Case Study

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Carleton University aims to achieve creating an accessible learning environment that is equitable for students with the long-term goal of promoting opportunity through an ongoing process, for all persons with disabilities with the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity in mind. Hence, I believe it should be noted that Carleton has always had the goal of creating a barrier free environment moreover this has resulted in exceptional policies to accessibility through its comprehensive human rights policies and through this long history of creating integrative programs has brought Carleton to where it is today. I believe that Carleton’s ongoing goal of removing barriers and willingness to adapt is the reason why achieving an assessable learning environment is possible, therefore due to the understanding that accessibility is an ongoing process. I would like to talk about the transition support programs that Paul Menton Centre has for students with disabilities. Carleton and more specifically PMC has integration methods that aids in removing barriers for persons with disabilities that the University …show more content…

There is an orientation for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, this transition program is called Fall ASD Carleton Transition to Success. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder are given the opportunity through the to go on personalized tour that relate do their schedule, meet upper year students with ASD and the option for early residence move in. Professors and teacher assessments are made aware through PMC about the possible supports that a student who has ASD might need made necessary to participate in class and successfully complete the assigned classwork. PMC also has a step by step documents to make the students aware on how to set up there