Nuclear Energy Research Paper Outline

1508 Words7 Pages

Kaitlyn Roxby
Fossil Fuels
Research Paper Rough Draft

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Introduction Nuclear energy has a long history in the United States starting with research into its potential for defense and weapons before and during World War II. After World War II the focus of nuclear research, encouraged by the government, shifted to the development of nuclear energy for peaceful, civilian use. In 1946 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was created by Congress. Construction of the Experimental Breeder Reactor I, authorized by the AEC, was built in Idaho. Then on December 20, 1951 the reactor produced the first nuclear energy generated electricity and powered 4 200-watt lightbulbs (U.S. Dept. of Energy). During the mid-1950s the main goal of nuclear research was to …show more content…

Virtually no airborne pollutants are produced by nuclear power plants when they are operating normally. However, small amounts of radioactive gases are regularly emitted, but these emissions occur under controlled conditions imposed and supervised by a regulatory authority. Also, the emissions are minor enough that they are not harmful to the plant workers or any nearby, surrounding communities. Fossil fuels produce emissions that contain particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and various heavy metals. The emissions from fossil fuels pose significant risks to human health and the environment. Since nuclear energy emits almost no airborne pollutants it is a safer energy supply than fossil fuels because it doesn’t lead to air pollution or negative effects on human health. Furthermore, the use of nuclear energy results in less harmful emissions and overall “nuclear power almost entirely avoids the environmental effects of fossil fuel pollutants” (Adamantiades, Kessides). Thus, using nuclear energy provides positive benefits for both communities and the