Number Ten: Most Ridiculous Murder By Robert Lyons

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Welcome to the 10 most ridiculous murders list. Obviously, there are always absurd murder cases happening all over, the motivations - or what pass as motivations - in these cases might just be the most absurd you've ever heard. Read below to find out more in part one, and be on the lookout for part two (coming soon).

Number Ten: Most Ridiculous Murder by Robert Lyons

Robert Lyons was a forty year old man whose mom refused to get in touch with friend who had access to Avril Lavigne tickets. He flew into a mad rage at his mother's refusal and smashed her over the head with a Cognac bottle. That didn’t kill her, though – it was the nine times he stabbed his unconscious mother that did it.

Number Nine: The Murder by Janelle Potter

Janelle was

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