Nursing Informatics Essay

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Juliette Anne Osen

The University of Mary

NUR 437 The Professional Nurse

Dr. Joanne Lassiter

April 16th, 2023

Institute of Medicine Core Competencies and Informatics

Informatics is a complex area of nursing that is becoming a key component in the future of patient care. Nursing informatics, according to the American Nurses Association, is the ?Specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice? (2014). ?Beyond the definition, the goal of nursing informatics is to improve the health of populations, communities, families, and individuals by optimizing information management …show more content…

As time goes on technologies impact on nursing will only increase not decrease. As a society technology is a part of human?s day to day life. Though this has become a societal norm, will society be as comfortable with this when IT is starting to become the forefront of their health care as well? As nurses are communicating more and more through computers, is this negatively impacting the care that they provide? Nurses must not lose sight of the importance of face-to-face communication and the use of healing touch in their practice (Finkelman, 2023). Any nurse can tell you that there are shifts worked where they spend more time in front of a computer charting, then they do in contact with their patients. Technology is necessary and some innovative systems such as eICU and telemedicine allows for patients to receive care in remote locations without having to be physically transferred to a higher level of care. Though very useful and convenient, this is again taking away from the human touch aspect of care. These modalities of care are new, so the impact on care due to the lack of physical contact is yet to be determined (Finkelman, 2023). These innovative forms of care, and the usefulness of advances in electronic and IT systems, are undeniable. With these advances nurses and health care professionals must not …show more content…

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